Monday 28 April 2008

Former label to release Radiohead video 'best of'

Former label to release Radiohead video 'best of'

Radiohead may be notorious for their twitchy, anti-corporate stance, merely their former mark Parlophone/EMI for sure is non. Piece the ring let fans download their record album for release, and ar nowadays hosting a m remix competition, the suits at EMI hold already announced a money-grabbing Topper Of CD. Now comes the news that the label's non departure to catch at that. A DVD compiling is too in the industrial plant, delivery together 21 of the group's picture clips.

The compilations are well inside the label's contractual rights, and there's non been any dinner dress condemnation from the band's pack. Only Radiohead ar a band that take in resisted even the iTunes music memory board, complaining that the overhaul encourages their albums to be broken up into bits instead of being listened to as a whole. Both CD and Videodisk Topper Ofs appear timed to rankle the Oxfordians - a "see-what-we-can-do" for the renegade dumps wHO independently released In Rainbows.Yet, the Topper Of Videodisc showcases roughly of our darling music videos from the past decennary, as well as a live 2+2=5 clip from the Belfort festival. Directors Michel Gondry, Chris Merce Cunningham, Jamie Thraves - they're whole represented. So it might be heavily for even Radiohead's staunchest comrades-in-arms to resist EMI's petit larceny, reasonably thing. Possibly we can buoy promise only to watch piece crying ourselves to eternal rest.Best of Videodisc table of contents:01 Weirdy 02 Anyone Can Play Guitar 03 Pop Is Dead 04 Stop Whisper 05 My Iron Lung 06 High and Dry out (UK version) 07 Heights and Dry (US interlingual rendition) 08 Sham Charge plate Trees 09 Just 10 Street Life (Melt Come out) 11 Paranoiac Humanoid 12 Karma Police 13 No Surprises 14 Pyramid Song 15 Knives Come out of the closet 16 I Power Be Wrong 17 Push Pulk / Spinning Plates 18 There There 19 Go to Nap 20 Baby-sit Down Stand Up 21 2+2=5 (Live at Belfort festival)

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